Smart Vision & Robotic Sensing

Professor, Robotics Laboratory
Smart Innovation Program, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering
Hiroshima University
>> Research Contents
In order to establish high-speed robot senses that are much faster than human senses, we are conducting research and development of information systems and devices that can achieve real-time image processing at 1000 frames/s or greater. As well as integrated algorithms to accelerate sensor information processing, we are also studying new sensing methodologies based on vibration and flow dynamics; they are too fast for humans to sense.

Self-Projected Structured Light Method for Fast Depth-Based Image Inspection

This research presents a self-projected structured light depth measurement system that can simultaneously inspect depth images at a high speed even when there are large height differences in the measured scene.

In our method, different shapes are acquired from a 3-D reference shape by processing multiple straight-stripe-like patterns projected in a camera view, which are projections of multiple curved-stripe patterns generated by the reference shape. Compared with straight-stripe projections in most structured light methods, the number of curved-stripe projections can be reduced using our method, which facilitates rapid processing and the acquisition of different 3-D shapes with little degradation accuracy when a 3-D shape in the background scene is provided as a reference. Using this method, we developed a structured light system that can acquire and process 512〜512 depth images in real time at 500 fps using a high-speed vision platform synchronized with a high-speed DLP projector.
We demonstrated its effectiveness in several experiments measured at 500 fps.


Self-Projected structured light video 1
(a) depth video
WMV movie(2.6M)
Self-Projected structured light video 2
(b) differential depth video
WMV movie(2.6M)